Main Gallery
Rossdale Engine Rooms

Engine room, two horizontal steam engines drive generators (1904) (Provincal Archives B1489)

Crane being installed in 1906 Engine room at North end of 1902 Power Plant

Corliss engine in foreground, coal gas engine behind (City Archives A95-100-2)

Coal gas engine behind Corliss engine (installed 1907). (City Archives A95-100-3)

Coal gas engine on left driving generator on right. Installed 1907. (City Archives A95-100)

Engine room looking South, Belliss and Morcom 750 kW on right, 2 MG sets center, Corliss generator in background (1914)

Cross-compound Corliss engine 1000 kW Feb 9, 1923; low pressure piston out for repairs

Corliss engine 1000 kW generator looking SW (1923). (City Archives EB28-970)

Corliss engine in foreground driving generator mounted behind flywheel (1923).

Two Belliss & Morcom steam engines driving direct current (DC) dynamos (generators)

Engine room, generator on right, B & M 750 kW next, two B & M behind, MG set center, DC switch gear on left (1923). (City Archives EB28-975)

Corliss engine 1000 kW generator on left, Curtis GE generator behind, Goldie exciter in foreground.

Belliss and Morcom 3 cylinder engine driving a 750 kW DC (direct current) generator

Belliss and Morcom steam engines driving DC generators; two are 2 cylinder and one is a 3 cylinder (1929)